ccie voice lab workbook-cisco questions

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

ccie lab tips directory

Headlines on ccie lab tips

CME-CUE on two different routers

Fri, 14 Jul 2006 01:01:35 +0000
If you need to integrate CME with a CUE on a different chassis, you would need the following.
1. Create a h323 dial-peer in CME gateway and point it to the gateway that hosts CUE.
2. Create a SIP dial-peer in the gateway that hosts CUE to point to CUE ip address.
You cannot create a SIP dial-peer ...]

LockLizard with new IE products, beta V5 workbook

Sat, 12 Jul 2008 20:33:04 +0000
I`m using linux only on my laptop. Sometimes i`m not able to connect to the internet maybe for about 2-3 weeks, for example when being on holiday in a little town with no access to internet at all, like this year. But IE is now using security protection for their files, that will prevent me ...]

CCIE #22262

Tue, 07 Oct 2008 13:59:37 +0000
Check back for an update later…it was eventful

I Can Has Compiler ?

Tue, 16 Sep 2008 13:11:00 +0000
See post to watch Flash video]

We have avoided repetitions of any sort in the matter on ccie lab tips. However, if you do come across any repetitions, do bear with us.

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