ccie voice lab workbook-cisco questions

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

The advantages of cisco ccnp test

Current cisco ccnp test News

What had happened?

Welcome back to DC's CCIE blog!

Between the last blog and this one, I have left my CCIE lab for the time being.

Sadly, it is due to financial reason. I have another commitment on my table that I must attend. However, rest assured that my CCIE spirit is still there,
hibernated for the time being ;)

Several weeks back, I announced my next attempt to be in August this year. Sadly (again), it is now scheduled to be end of this year, around December.

Well folks, stay tuned for the next breaking news of my next battle of CCIE lab attempt. Meanwhile, I will be doing practices and some dynamips play
around ;)

What? Nothing to see?!?

IE Vol 3, lab 1 … not so bad after all?

Thu, 29 May 2008 15:39:34 +0000
After the beating I took Monday on IE Vol 2 lab 17, I needed a win. I think I got one, if only a minor one. This was my first stab at Vol3 three, which is aimed at people pretty much finished with their preparations - I’m not sure I’m there, but one ...]

Network World Retracts Article Accusing Ethan Banks of Cheating

Tue, 17 Jun 2008 20:07:41 +0000
Today Network World replaced the article by CertGuard accusing Ethan Banks of cheating on his CCIE written exam:
Network World and the authors have decided to remove this blog post and the discussion that followed. While the original post was intended to highlight how the issue of braindumps is a pervasive one, we regret having singled ...]

content>Tassos (CCIE™ No. 19858), (aka the Good - Pt 2)4 days ago i visited CiscoExpo 2008 in Athens, where my company was invited on a presentation of the ASR1000 series routers. There i had the chance to talk with the ASR1000 product manager and discuss some details about our plans of using this platform in our network.

So, what came out of this discussion?

Cisco doesn't want to replace any existing platform with ASR1000. They see a new market for this platform (logical, since their job is to sell) and they want it to have the success of the 7200 platform; but not replace it. From my side, i don't see (for now) any specific new need for this platform; it seems a much better 7200, integrating some extra features in hardware and providing other -much requested ones- in "software". It surely is a QFP test/evaluation platform and i believe as time passes by, the QFP will be used in more (old & new) platforms.

The first IOS XE is probably missing a lot of functionality we might need, at least in relationship to the 7200 as an aggregation platform. A new IOS will come out every 4 months (while providing bug fixes in-between every 2 months), so we hope after 2-3 releases we'll be able to better evaluate the platform. As usual, Cisco doesn't like to write what's not supported, but only what is supported.

There are 3 different chassis available: 1002, 1004 and 1006. 1002 is the only one that cannot be upgraded. So you're stuck with the RP1 as the RP and ESP-5G or ESP-10G as the ESP. Also you cannot upgrade the internal hard disk, neither the SIP. 1004 & 1006 can upgrade their RP (to a future RP2 maybe) , their ESP (ESP-10G to ESP-20G which might be coming shortly) and their hard disk (with SSD too?). Also 1002 and 1004 support only software redundancy, while 1006 supports only (?) hardware redundancy. Keep in mind that software redundancy requires 4 GB of DRAM on the Route Processor 1 (ASR1000-RP1) and a High Availability license (there are 13 licenses already available -regarding security, redundancy, broadband, SBC- and more are coming).

SIP/SPAs are used only for interface connectivity. Any extra/specific features, what you might be using in other platforms (6500,7600,GSR) are under-utilized. Everything is done by the ESP, so there is no need to depend on the SIP/SPA. If the SIP/SPA prices fall, then this is a welcome feature. Otherwise you'll be paying more for less. On the other hand, you don't depend on SIP/SPA "compatibility", like when you're buying them for other platforms.

A IOS XE consolidated package is composed of 7 different software sub-packages that you can download from as one consolidated package (you cannot download individual sub-packages from; you can extract them from the consolidated package using the cli.). For upgrade, you can upgrade the whole package or each of the 7 sub-packages individually.
The following are the 7 sub-packages:

RPBase: Provides the operating system software for the route processor

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