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Today I recalled my old habit in configuring the routers. And today as well, I am using that habit for my home lab
What old habit did I have? Configuring the router using notepad and pasted it to the router. Is it a 'bad' habit
or a 'good' habit? I have no idea!
During my work at various clients (particularly in Australia), I must carry out the router configuraion that way.
Whay is that so? To save time! When a customer request a replacement or a new site setup, most of the time the router
is not yet arrived in the office. Thus, to save time, I configure the router based on my best knowledge on the IOS,
chasis, modules, etc. Then I drafted out the basic configuration for connectivity then build the config from that
point on using all 'imagination' in my head on whether this command would do good once pasted or it will wreck havoc
in the production later. To make things worst, 'usually', the router (or even switch) only transits my office area
for around 4 hours. Thus within that 4 hour, I must be able to configured it in the 'full config' and ship it to the
customer in the same day. I would be lucky to have the router arrived at 5pm, but that means I must ship it before
10am the next working day. That means only 2 hours instead of 4 hour 'transit'.
During that period, there was no such thing called dynamips or in-kind. I must really knock on my head in order to
realized whether the config would work or not (not should!).
As of today, I have a poor Internet connection to home's (dynamips) lab. So, to save time I drafted out the
config, verify it that it would (and should!) work and once I arrived home: pasted it and compared it against the
correct answer. I have a quick glimpse on some answers that I have no idea what it asked. More than 90% of the
question is quite clear for me. Only minor (or silly???) misunderstanding in those 10% that might dragged me down
during my next lab attempt.
In the last two days, I have used extensive full-blown dynagen management. It is a very nice tool and could have
been tweaked for more dynamips options. All-in-all, I already have some idea to develop my own dynamips management
console (I will tell you all later once I got my CCIE number, ok? ;) )
It turned out that my answer so far is able to reach fair amount of correctness (I have not really drill the
details, maybe tonight). I am surprised with the result (and happy of course!)
Now the rest remains in the day of the lab next Monday. I will do my best to pass this one this time and earn the
number that I deserve (and have been desperately waiting on).
Jamie T
Wed, 28 May 2008 12:39:28 +0000
Found this guy the other day. His music is pure brilliance:
course taking.. i nid counseling.. thx
Sat, 12 Jul 2008 14:31:55 GMT
hi sir/s and mam/s
i;m currently shifting from my nursing course.. to an computer related course.. preferably.. IT or programing.. i'm just 19 yrs old.. i want to know.. what are the pros/ and conz in the said field... or any suggestion what com. course to take?
thnx you in advance..
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Thu, 31 Jan 2008 02:14:48 +0000
I’m still having ups and downs with my studies. I am at the point where I am able to recogni
New CCIE forum over at
Fri, 11 Jul 2008 00:22:16 +0000
Internetwork Expert has opened a new forum/community that replaces their current forums. You can never get enough online community options.
In order to provide the best possible service to our customers, and to the CCIE community as a whole, we have implemented a new combination web forum / mailing list server as a free service. Internetwork ...]
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