ccie 350 001 in the newsIPexpert VOD Day2 Complete — Mixed Feelings This Morning
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 15:21:29 +0000
Well, I finished off day 2 of the IPexpert video bootcamp, which covered IGPs. OSPF, RIPv2, EIGRP … The OSPF configuration video was pretty intense, and over 3 hours long…took me 2 sittings to get through it. The good news is that I felt really good about almost all the material so far. I mean ...]
Thu, 12 Jun 2008 10:38:47 +0000
Cisco Voice Over IP 5.0: To Be Determined
Course 1: Introduction to VoIP
Lesson 1: Introducing VoIP Network Technologies
Lesson 2: Introducing VoIP Network Architectures
Lesson 3: Building Scalable Dial Plans
Lesson 4: Calculating Bandwidth Requirements
Lesson 5: Allocating Bandwidth for Voice and Data Traffic
Lesson 6: Considering Security Implications of VoIP Networks
Course 2: Configuring Voice Networks
Lesson 1: Configuring Voice Networks
Lesson 2: ...]
Adults too quick to dismiss educational video games 682]
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