ccie voice lab workbook-cisco questions

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Frequently asked questions about cisco ccie test

cisco ccie test in the news

Waking up ...

*whooosh!* .. then I am awakening my hibernated CCIE 'personality'

The notebook that I mentioned is almost ready. Hopefully by tomorrow
I can start putting the dynamips to simulate my labs again.

Now is the warming up time: I need to pickup where I have left.

Lessons learned from the previous two attempts:

  • Focus!

  • Aimed and believe that you will pass

  • FAce the fact, if there is still weaknes(ses) in several areas,
    either patch it up or strengthen other area that I am more familiar with

  • Keep doing it (I read this from several post from href="">Group Study

I am still one of CCIE candidate that is using poor man's method and
approach. It is also more towards stabilizing the areas and link between
the knowledge and experience of being a CCIE itself.

Out of majority of CCIE candidate, I could be one of the odds that is
not dealing directly with all CCIE needs. My work at client's requries
me to provide service beyond my CCIE-ness.

Thus, even though I have the knowlede and skills, my clients asked me
to carry out tasks in areas outside network.

The good news is: I like doing it, so no big deal ;)

the even better news is: it give me more challenge on how to separate
between the real life needs of my work and the CCIE lab that I

I must admit that since the preparation of this CCIE track (R&S), I
have improved a lot of things in areas beyond my prediction.

Let's head back in prepration and stay tuned!

Keep your readers up to date with the NewsFeed Widget!

Wed, 05 Mar 2008 19:06:09 +0000
Hey guys, I wanted to introduce you to the newest widget in the BlogCatalog family, the Newsfeed widget. Basically, it’s tied into the information you have shared with the blogcatalog community to share with the readers of your blog. Now, your fans get a chance to see your favorite websites, stumbles, twitters, and blogcatalog activities!

Available ...]

Issues with gatekeeper zone prefix and end point registration

Sun, 30 Jul 2006 14:43:27 +0000
If you define a zone prefix for a local zone , then it will prevent gateways from registering using E.164 ID to that zone.
zone local zone10
zone prefix zone10 5000
With this configuration, none of the gateways can register to zone10 using E.164 ID’s.

IPexpert: Twitter Giveaways and Reponse To Scott Morris’ Departure

Wed, 25 Jun 2008 21:24:33 +0000
IPExpert is tweating (I think that’s what the kids are calling it today ) from Networkers at  They have been giving away everything from rack rentals to end-to-end training packages to followers who are the Nth person to email them once a tweat goes up.  I don’t know how much more stuff they’re ...]

CiscoLive Networkers Updates

Sun, 22 Jun 2008 13:49:11 +0000
This week I’m at CiscoLive Networkers in Orlando, FL. I will be blogging about the sessions I’m attending (CCIE Voice, CCIE R&S, etc) trying to hear about any word on possible updates for upcoming CCIE lab changes. I’ll also be passing along any rumors that I hear The first one that ...]

Auto answer timer

Wed, 12 Jul 2006 02:00:18 +0000
Decides how many seconds before answering the call automatically. Should be less than T 301 as well as Call forward no answer ring duration.

PC now won't POST

Mon, 30 Jun 2008 21:59:58 GMT
A couple of months ago I built a new PC which apart from glitches working with Vista x64 has been a very well behaved machine. Recently I had a couple of lock ups (don't know the cause) and I also once when booting I got a coloured pattern on the screen before bios (so I reset it that time). It...

My First Post on the BC Community Blog.

Tue, 13 May 2008 17:11:57 +0000
Hello dear friends,
I am so excited to be posting my first few words on the BlogCatalog community blog. I have been part of the BC community for just over 12 months now, and its amazing how I missed this community blog. I should have joined here ages back ! I was scrolling through this blog ...]

We had put all our efforts to produce some respectable reading matter on cisco ccie test. We sure do wish it's respectable enough for you.

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